Aries Dreamscopes

With Aries, we initiate a new season—Spring! Aries is cardinal fire. Cardinal offers the first spark; it initiates new beginnings. The fire may ignite new passions, what lives inside your heart. Lunar Eclipse 3/24-3/25 in Libra and Total Solar Eclipse 4/8 in Aries—big energies moving! All cardinal signs pay attention—Capricorn, Cancer, Libra, Aries.

See what Aries season has for you! Read for your Sun, Moon and/or Rising!

Aries -This is your season, Aries! You might find yourself learning through opposition or polarity this season. It is opportune to look back at the last year and to feel into last eclipse season which began around early October 2023. What opposites are you bringing together? This integration initiates a new cycle.

Taurus-Things are coming full circle for you, Taurus. There is something this season about celebrating all of the research around viewpoints you have considered. Stay out of your head, you have done enough of that. Get back into your heart and body. DANCE. This is a time to take action. The will is what makes the world go ‘round…

Gemini-Gemini, where do you need to reach out or make a connection? Don’t over think it. Partnered love may come up as a focus. Something is blooming for you this season around managing socials differently. Social media, relationships, friendships…There is an opportunity for you to experience a deep love and ecstasy when you bridge worlds and come back to your center. What does that look like for you?

Cancer-Cancer, you have worked hard and come this far. Let yourself accept the recognition that is yours. I know you know what I mean. ;) You are a fellow cardinal sign, initiatic water. Pay attention to how these eclipse are sparking new flow. It might be easy to tuck yourself away this season, but put yourself out there more. The spotlight wants to see you and help you shine.

Leo-Keywords for you, Leo are replenish and restore. You are in your element, sharing the fire with Aries and Sag. But there is an air of relaxation for you as you charge up in the next months for your own fiery season. Things may be on pause for you. Take actions that increase the harmony for yourself. In doing so, it will touch humanity and the Earth.

Virgo-Heart medicine is a theme for you. Take care of your emotions and cardiovascular health. Listen to your heart. It will tell you where you need to be or where to go, how to align yourself. New love may bud for you this season. Calculated risk-taking is something I am hearing for you. If your tendency is to play it safe, notice where you are longing for adventure and maybe go for it?

Libra-The Full Moon Eclipse of 3/24-3/25 is in your sign. The New Moon eclipse 4/8 is in your opposite, Aries. Big time energies for you. You are in a period of coming back to you spiritual family and relating in new ways to your spirituality. It might feel like a full circle for you or that things from an earlier time are coming back around for review. Dreams may have rich information for you around these themes. Notice who shows up in your dreams.

Scorpio-Your mind takes on a new focus this season, Scorpio. Be mindful of competitive thoughts. If you feel yourself wanting to project onto others or you are feeling insecure about “keeping up,” channel that energy inwards to yourself. Notice how it feels to reroute your energy this way. Momentum is yours when you stay in your own lane this season.

Sagittarius-Notice what inspires you this season, Sag! Art, creativity and expression are a focus for you. There is something new about the way that you express this season. It feels future-focused or perhaps your art is building up a type of legacy. Wherever you land with that know that the support is there for you to continue your creative pursuits. If you feel stuck on what to create, take an inventory of your philosophies, values and what is happening in the world. Things will click.

Capricorn-Fellow cardinal sign, Cap you are likely sensing these eclipses with even more “oomph.” Get into your body to harness the power. 9 months from now you will be in your sign, a full human gestation period. Something about that feels important for you to remember. What you seed now starts comes into full bloom by your solar return. Take advantage of the energy for what it is right now, even if it’s not what is favorable for you. All things begin first as a seed. Deep replenishment of the body may come in so you can “hold” the seeds well until full birth.

Aquarius-Reaping what you have sown is something I am hearing for you this season. It could be a “big” or a “little” harvest. Be thankful for the abundance that is yours and take an inventory of how you arrived at this point. This season could be a great time to re-evaluate your direction and methods and potentially shift course. Air fuels fire, so take advantage of what is here in this moment while it lasts. A good time to “fan your flames” (but in a peaceful, momentum-type of way) and put gas in the tank…

Pisces-Come back to your basic needs, Pisces. Ground yourself. You are building a new foundation. What tools do you need to do that? This could be a great time to use your hands. Think things like cooking, crafting, gardening, playing an instrument. These can all help engage your heart through a hands-on approach.

Vanessa Lamorte