Pisces Dreamscopes

Checkout what Pisces season has in store for you! Read for sun, moon and/or rising.

Pisces Sun & Rising-Pisces, you are in your season. This is a good time to reflect on your last year, cycle to cycle, what has come into your life and what has gone. Celebrate achievements and acknowledge how much you have grown. What is in your heart for this next trip around the sun?

Aries Sun & Rising-Aries, take care of your body and connection to the Earth. This is a good time to ground in and rest with the elements. Evaluate your finances and balance the flow of money coming in and going out. Are your values aligned with your actions?

Taurus Sun & Rising-Taurus, you are asked to take a complete pause. A time out can be a welcomed opportunity to surrender, relax and wait for better information to come to you, offering a wider scope, more pieces to the puzzle before making a decision. Can you allow yourself to rest?

Gemini Sun & Rising-Gemini, use Pisces season to consult with higher wisdom, seek elders, or connect with the elder within. Acknowledge the cycles within cycles, using nature as your guide to show you through the language of synchronicity what messages are ready to be made known to you. Are you receptive and listening?

Cancer Sun & Rising-Cancer, a fellow water sign in a water season, devote yourself to the beauty way. Allow everywhere you go and all that you do to be woven with beauty. Everyone may have a different definition of what "beauty" is. What matters is what is important to you, what you find inspiring. What does beauty look like embodied for you?

Leo Sun & Rising-Leo, focus on what brings you true joy being careful to not be distracted by glamor or fleeting glimmers. What brings you true joy? Move toward that, allow yourself to become the joy you seek. 

Virgo Sun & Rising-Virgo, you are Pisces' polarity, the counterpart. Something is coming to fruition for you. You have worked hard for this, many pieces had to come together to arrive in this here and now moment. Act swiftly and move toward your dreams. Do you believe in your capacity to do so?

Libra Sun & Rising-Libra, get your voice out in the world this season! Start writing your story. Listen to others for cues on where you can offer assistance, service or your perspective. This is a good time to start a project especially if it has roots in media, writing, expressive arts, performance or journalism. What do you have to tell the world?

Scorpio Sun & Rising-Scorpio, you are in your element literally (water) this season. Envision, dream, and take adventures. This is a good time to gain deeper understanding for the dream that is dreaming you. Study yourself. What lives inside your soul?

Sagittarius Sun & Rising-Sagittarius, are you taking yourself to the social circles that actually matter to you? This is a time to connect with spiritual family and to discuss the philosophical (your favorite). Offer the wisdom you have gained in the last few months to others who are willing to receive, being mindful of boundaries and asking before dishing it too bluntly. Who do you need to connect with now?

Capricorn Sun & Rising-Capricorn, you are the king of boundaries. Use them this season. You need to take time for yourself, be in your own field, distill your own thoughts and ideas. If you are feeling reactive, retreat. Emotional cleaning. What boundary do you need to set with yourself or others?

Aquarius Sun & Rising-Aquarius, there is gas in the tank and fuel for you to move from one phase of life to the next. Use your innovation and creativity to bring the visionary projects and ideas to life. What blocks are you putting in place preventing you from "going there?"

Vanessa Lamorte